Fig. 2: Writing

Ben once spent a week in a 17th century French castle with a group of cryptocurrency millionaires, Instagram models, and Israeli Burning Man-enthusiasts. Read about some of that here.

The Devastator Quarterly was a print comedy magazine featuring writers from The Daily Show, The Onion, Adult Swim, McSweeney's, and also Ben. You can see his writing in Devastator #7: Spies. Buy it here..

Ben spent seven years working as a science teacher and wrote this piece about fostering curiosity in his students. While it was originally featured in the now defunct literary journal Morkan's Horse you can now read it here .

Precipitating Paradise: Delayed Suicide as a Shortcut to Heaven is a short essay describing a 'theological loophole' practiced throughout the medieval Catholic Church whereby individuals would set in motion a chain of events that would inevitably bring about their death. However, they'd leave themselves enough time to confess their sins, thus gaining absolution from the act and gaining entrance to Heaven. It was published in the Chapman University Honors Journal, Sapere Aude as a non-fiction piece, despite the fact that Ben made the whole thing up. But don't tell them that. Click here to read it.

This short story uses a sci-fi framing device to tell the story of a disastrous camping trip Ben's dad went on as a kid. Read it here.

Soon There Will Be Unlimited Hair was the ridiculous title of an article about hair loss in The Atlantic. Ben rewrote it to be about something more interesting.

Graham Towers and I wrote and on-set produced four aired episodes of ABC's Black-ish. You can watch them on Hulu.

A short story about a woman's quest for greatness. Read it here .

For about a decade, Ben pursued screenwriting. Click here for a list of the pilots, features, plays, and shorts he wrote, often with his writing partner, Graham Towers. Most scripts available upon request.